"Black Belt Honor Roll" Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai
"Blackbelt role call" American Jujitsu Institute
"Conventions" Ohana Gallery
“All Belts Workout at South Coast” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Anaheim P.A.L. Contest” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Overwhelmed” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Perspective: Ohana 2007” Carlos Gallegos awarded an Associate Professorship, the Luciani Service Award and the first Bachelor’s Degree in Danzan Ryu offered by the institute. In Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Ready for its face-lift” OC Register
“Reunion 2006: From A to B” Carlos Gallegos awarded the Instructor of the Year award. In Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Shoshin Ryu Brochure” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Special Thanks” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“The Black Belt Weekend” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“The Mickapedia! ... Updated for 2008” OC Register
“Veterans depart, irrelevance continues” OC Register
"Blackbelt role call" American Jujitsu Institute
"Conventions" Ohana Gallery
“All Belts Workout at South Coast” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Anaheim P.A.L. Contest” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Overwhelmed” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Perspective: Ohana 2007” Carlos Gallegos awarded an Associate Professorship, the Luciani Service Award and the first Bachelor’s Degree in Danzan Ryu offered by the institute. In Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Ready for its face-lift” OC Register
“Reunion 2006: From A to B” Carlos Gallegos awarded the Instructor of the Year award. In Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Shoshin Ryu Brochure” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“Special Thanks” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“The Black Belt Weekend” in Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai Newsletter
“The Mickapedia! ... Updated for 2008” OC Register
“Veterans depart, irrelevance continues” OC Register